SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?

H25 - Contact and tactile sensors

Part Location
A Head tactile sensor
B Chest button
C Tactile hands
D Feet bumpers

Tactile Head

3 x head capacitive sensors.

Item Sensor name X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
A Head/Touch/Front 0.0312 0.0000 0.1014
B Head/Touch/Middle 0.0010 0.0000 0.1099
C Head/Touch/Rear -0.0257 0.0000 0.1045

To access values by using ALMemory key names, see: Head touch Sensors.

Chest Button

Item Sensor name X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
A ChestBoard/Button 0.049871 0.001588 0.055163

To access values by using ALMemory key names, see: ChestBoard Sensors.

Tactile Hands

2 x 3 x hand capacitive (3 for each hand).

Item Sensor name X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
A LHand/Touch/Left 0.0320 0.0250 0.0030
B LHand/Touch/Back 0.0380 0.0000 0.0250
C LHand/Touch/Right 0.0350 -0.0250 0.0035
A RHand/Touch/Left 0.0320 0.0250 0.0030
B RHand/Touch/Back 0.0380 0.0000 0.0250
C RHand/Touch/Right 0.0350 -0.0250 0.0035

To access values by using ALMemory key names, see: Left Hand touch Sensors and Right Hand touch Sensors.

Feet Bumpers

2 x bumpers located at the tip of each foot. These are simple ON/OFF switches, thus 4 in total.

../../_images/hardware_bumper_1.png ../../_images/hardware_bumper_2.png
Bumper name X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
LFoot/Bumper/Left 0.0876 0.0190 -0.0353
LFoot/Bumper/Right 0.0876 -0.0140 -0.0353
RFoot/Bumper/Left 0.0876 0.0140 -0.0353
RFoot/Bumper/Right 0.0876 -0.0190 -0.0353

To access values by using ALMemory key names, see: Left Foot touch Sensors and Right Foot touch Sensors.

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