This is the complete list of members for AL::ALModule, including all inherited members.
_builder | AL::ALModuleCore | protected |
_go | AL::ALModuleCore | |
_mBuilder | AL::ALModuleCore | |
_p | AL::ALModuleCore | |
addMethodExample(const std::string &pLanguage, const std::string &pExample) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
addModuleExample(const std::string &pLanguage, const std::string &pExample) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
addParam(const std::string &pName, const std::string &pDesc) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
ALModule(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &pName) | AL::ALModule | |
ALModuleCore(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &pName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
ALProcessSignals() | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
asObject() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
atPostProcess(ProcessSignalSlot subscriber, ProcessSignalPosition pos=boost::signals2::at_back) | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
atPreProcess(ProcessSignalSlot subscriber, ProcessSignalPosition pos=boost::signals2::at_back) | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
baseModule class | AL::ALModule | friend |
bindMethod(boost::shared_ptr< ALFunctorBase > pFunctor) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
bindMethod(boost::shared_ptr< ALFunctorBase > pFunctor, const std::string &pName, const std::string &pClass, const std::string &pFunctionDescription, const ALMethodInfo &pMethodDescription) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
bindMethodOverload(boost::shared_ptr< ALFunctorBase > pFunctor) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
CPP enum value | AL::ALModuleCore | |
createModule(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker) | AL::ALModule | inlinestatic |
createModule(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, P1 p1) | AL::ALModule | inlinestatic |
createModuleCore(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker) | AL::ALModuleCore | inlinestatic |
createModuleCore(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &name) | AL::ALModuleCore | inlinestatic |
createModuleCoreNoRegister(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &name) | AL::ALModuleCore | inlinestatic |
createUrbiModule(boost::shared_ptr< ALBroker > pBroker, const std::string &name) | AL::ALModuleCore | inlinestatic |
execute(const std::string &pMethod, const AL::ALValue &pParams, AL::ALValue &pResult) | AL::ALModuleCore | virtual |
exit() | AL::ALModule | virtual |
fPostProcess | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | protected |
fPreProcess | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | protected |
functionName(const std::string &pName, const std::string &pClass, const std::string &pFunctionDescription, int pMask=0) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
functionStop(int pIDTask) | AL::ALModule | |
getBrokerName() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getBuilder() | AL::ALModuleCore | inline |
getCurrentMethodDescription() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getFunctionDesc(const std::string &pName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getFunctionDesc(const std::string &pName, std::vector< std::string > pParamsType) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getFunctionDesc(const std::string &pName, const AL::ALValue &pParams) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getFunctionDescByNameMember(const std::string &pName, const std::vector< std::string > ¶mType, bool softCompare=true) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodHelp(const std::string &pMethodName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodHelpObject(const std::string &pMethodName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodID(void) | AL::ALModule | |
getMethodInfo(const std::string &pName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodInfo(const std::string &pName, std::vector< std::string > pParamsType) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodInfo(const std::string &pName, const AL::ALValue &pParams) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodInfoByNameMember(const std::string &pName, const std::vector< std::string > ¶mType, bool softCompare=true) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getMethodList() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getModuleID() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getModuleInfo() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getModuleType(void) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getName() const | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getParentBroker() const | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getProxy(const std::string &pModuleName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getThis() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getThis() const | AL::ALModuleCore | |
getUsage(const std::string &methodName) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
init(void) | AL::ALModule | inlinevirtual |
initModule(void) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
isClosing() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
isModuleStopped() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
isPCalled() | AL::ALModule | |
isRunning(const int &taskId) | AL::ALModule | |
isStopRequired(const int &taskId=-1) | AL::ALModule | |
LUA enum value | AL::ALModuleCore | |
MATLAB enum value | AL::ALModuleCore | |
metaCall(qi::AnyObject context, unsigned int method, const qi::GenericFunctionParameters &in, qi::MetaCallType callType, qi::Signature returnSignature) | AL::ALModuleCore | virtual |
moduleHelp() | AL::ALModuleCore | |
ModuleType enum name | AL::ALModuleCore | |
pCall(const qi::AnyArguments &args) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
ping(void) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
postProcess(void) | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
preProcess(void) | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
ProcessSignal typedef | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | |
ProcessSignalConnection typedef | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | |
ProcessSignalPosition typedef | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | |
ProcessSignalSlot typedef | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | |
Ptr typedef | AL::ALModuleCore | |
PYTHON enum value | AL::ALModuleCore | |
removeAllPostProcess(void) | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
removeAllPreProcess(void) | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inline |
RUBY enum value | AL::ALModuleCore | |
setModuleDescription(const std::string &pDesc) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
setModuleID(int id) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
setModuleType(ModuleType pType) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
setReturn(const std::string &pName, const std::string &pDesc) | AL::ALModuleCore | |
stop(const int &taskId) | AL::ALModule | virtual |
URBI enum value | AL::ALModuleCore | |
version() | AL::ALModuleCore | virtual |
wait(const int &taskId, const int &timeout) | AL::ALModule | |
wait(const int &taskId) | AL::ALModule | |
WeakPtr typedef | AL::ALModuleCore | |
~ALModule() | AL::ALModule | virtual |
~ALModuleCore() | AL::ALModuleCore | virtual |
~ALProcessSignals() | AL::detail::ALProcessSignals | inlinevirtual |