Why RoboHospital

Here are some of the main reasons we thought about to develop RoboHospital system .

Busy life

Sometimes we don’t have time to go to physician

Waiting time

Sometimes , physician has no enough time to examine you .


Your role or position prevents you to see physician?


Some people don't have enough money to have treatment.

How it works

Simple Four steps to treat yourself

Feeling sick

1 - If you feel any pain or think that you have anythong wrong

Answer questions

2- Answer simple basic questions asked by RoboHospital system

Analyze answers

3- RoboHospital system will predict your illness within minutes

Have your prescription

4- Get your prescription and your suggested medicine

Need to register yourself ?

Joining us will help you and the humanity


Main RoboHospital features

AI Ambulance

Emergency faster than ever before (more..)

AI Hospital

Integrated all AI services (more..)

AI Pharmacy

Predict medication for your case (more..)

AI Physician

Predict your illness by AI algorithm (more..)

AI Radiology

Analyze Radiology data (more...)

AI Laboratory

Laboratory values Analyzer (learn more )


Main options in RoboHospital


Predict your illness with minimum mistake fraction.


Keep your Personal Data private.


Keeps History in your profile available to connect with hospitals


Prescribe the most effective medicine for you and alternatives


Reviewed by expert doctors

Free System

RoboHospital is totaly free system to use , it made for improve live and research

Join Us

To make system more reliable , All the humanity should join and contribute on RoboHospital in one or more of our roles. (Contact Us)

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