SoftBank Robotics documentation What's new in NAOqi 2.5?



Sign convention

Given a joint that links two body parts of the robot, the body part that is closer to the trunk is considered to be fixed and the body part that is farther from the trunk is the one that rotates around the joint axis.

To perform the rotation of the body parts, we place a frame at each joint. When the robot is at the zero pose, all joint frames have the same orientation. Then, roll rotations take place around the X axis, pitch rotations around the Y axis and yaw rotations around the Z axis.


Head joints

Joint name Motion (rotation axis) Range (degrees) Range (radians)
HeadYaw Head joint twist (Z) -119.5 to 119.5 -2.0857 to 2.0857
HeadPitch Head joint front and back (Y) -40.5 to 36.5 -0.7068 to 0.6371
Click the joint name to see all related ALMemory key names.

Due to collision with Robot casing and tablet, the head yaw and pitch are limited.

HeadYaw (°) HeadPitch - (°) HeadPitch + (°)
-119.5 -35.0 13.5
-91.4 -35.1 13.5
-61.6 -35.2 20.9
-33.33 -40.5 36.5
33.33 -40.5 36.5
61.6 -35.2 20.9
91.4 -35.1 13.5
119.5 -35.0 13.5

Left Arm joints and actuators

Joint name Motion (rotation axis) Range (degrees) Range (radians)
LShoulderPitch Left shoulder joint front and back (Y) -119.5 to 119.5 -2.0857 to 2.0857
LShoulderRoll Left shoulder joint right and left (Z) 0.5 to 89.5 0.0087 to 1.5620
LElbowYaw Left shoulder joint twist (X’) -119.5 to 119.5 -2.0857 to 2.0857
LElbowRoll Left elbow joint (Z’) -89.5 to -0.5 -1.5620 to -0.0087
LWristYaw Left wrist joint (X’) -104.5 to 104.5 -1.8239 to 1.8239
Click the joint name to see all related ALMemory key names.

Due to collision, the LElbowRoll is limited.

LElbowYaw (°) LElbowRoll Min (°) LElbowRoll Max (°)
-119.5 -78.0 -0.5
-60.0 -78.0 -0.5
0.0 -89.5 -0.5
99.5 -89.5 -0.5
119.5 -83.0 -0.5
Actuator name Motion Range (degrees) Range (radians)
LHand Left hand Open and Close Open and Close
Click the joint name to see all related ALMemory key names.

Leg joints

Joint name Motion (rotation axis) Range (degrees) Range (radians)
HipRoll Hip joint right and left (X) -29.5 to 29.5 -0.5149 to 0.5149
HipPitch Hip joint front and back (Y) -59.5 to 59.5 -1.0385 to 1.0385
KneePitch Knee joint (Y) -29.5 to 29.5 -0.5149 to 0.5149
Click the joint name to see all related ALMemory key names.

Right Arm joints and actuators

Joint name Motion (rotation axis) Range (degrees) Range (radians)
RShoulderPitch Right shoulder joint front and back (Y) -119.5 to 119.5 -2.0857 to 2.0857
RShoulderRoll Right shoulder joint right and left (Z) -89.5 to -0.5 -1.5620 to -0.0087
RElbowYaw Right shoulder joint twist (X’) -119.5 to 119.5 -2.0857 to 2.0857
RElbowRoll Right elbow joint (Z’) 0.5 to 89.5 0.0087 to 1.5620
RWristYaw Right wrist joint (X’) -104.5 to 104.5 -1.8239 to 1.8239
Click the joint name to see all related ALMemory key names.

Due to collision, the RElbowRoll is limited.

RElbowYaw (°) RElbowRoll Min (°) RElbowRoll Max (°)
-119.5 0.5 83.0
-99.5 0.5 89.5
0.0 0.5 89.5
60.0 0.5 78.0
119.5 0.5 78.0
Actuator name Motion Range (degrees) Range (radians)
RHand Right hand Open and Close Open and Close
Click the joint name to see all related ALMemory key names.