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almath.h File Reference
#include <almath/types/alvelocity3d.h>
#include <almath/types/alvelocity6d.h>
#include <almath/types/alposition2d.h>
#include <almath/types/alposition3d.h>
#include <almath/types/alposition6d.h>
#include <almath/types/alrotation.h>
#include <almath/types/alrotation3d.h>
#include <almath/types/alquaternion.h>
#include <almath/types/alpose2d.h>

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void AL::Math::modulo2PIInPlace (float &pAngle)
 Set an angle between ]-PI, PI]. More...
float AL::Math::modulo2PI (float pAngle)
 Return an angle between ]-PI, PI]. More...
float AL::Math::meanAngle (const std::vector< float > &pAngles)
 Returns the mean of given angles (between ]-PI, PI]). It is defined by the direction of the mean of all unitary vectors corresponding to the given angles. If that mean vector is a null vector, then the angular mean is not defined and the method will throw. For example, meanAngle([0, PI]) throws. More...
float AL::Math::weightedMeanAngle (const std::vector< float > &pAngles, const std::vector< float > &pWeights)
 Returns the weighted mean of given angles (between ]-PI, PI]). It is defined by the direction of the mean of all unitary vectors corresponding to the given angles, multiplied by the given weights. If that mean vector is a null vector, then the angular mean is not defined and the method will throw. For example, meanAngle([0, PI], [1.0, 1.0]) throws. More...
bool AL::Math::clipData (const float &pMin, const float &pMax, float &pData)
 Clip an input data inside min and max limit. More...
bool AL::Math::clipData (const float &pMin, const float &pMax, std::vector< float > &pData)
bool AL::Math::clipData (const float &pMin, const float &pMax, std::vector< std::vector< float > > &pData)
void AL::Math::changeReferencePose2D (const float &pTheta, const Pose2D &pPosIn, Pose2D &pPosOut)
void AL::Math::changeReferencePose2DInPlace (const float &pTheta, Pose2D &pPosOut)
 Change orientation of a Pose2D in place. More...
Position6D AL::Math::position6DFromVelocity6D (const Velocity6D &pVel)
 Create a Position6D from a Velocity6D More...
void AL::Math::position2DFromPose2DInPlace (const Pose2D &pPose2D, Position2D &pPosition2D)
 Compute a Position2D from a Pose2D. The theta member of the Pose2D is not taken into account. More...
Position2D AL::Math::position2DFromPose2D (const Pose2D &pPose2D)
 Create a Position2D from a Pose2D More...
Position3D AL::Math::position3DFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPosition6D)
 Create a Position3D from a Position6D More...
Position3D AL::Math::operator* (const Rotation &pRot, const Position3D &pPos)
 Overloading of operator * between Rotation and Position3D: More...
Position3D AL::Math::operator* (const Quaternion &pQuat, const Position3D &pPos)
 Overloading of operator * between Quaternion and Position3D More...
Velocity6D AL::Math::operator* (const float pVal, const Position6D &pPos)
 Overloading of operator * for float to Position6D, give a Velocity6D: More...
Velocity3D AL::Math::operator* (const float pVal, const Position3D &pPos)
 Overloading of operator * for float to Position3D, give a Velocity3D: More...
Velocity3D AL::Math::operator* (const Rotation &pRot, const Velocity3D &pVel)
 Overloading of operator * between Rotation and Velocity3D: More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromAngleDirection (const float &pTheta, const Position3D &pPos)
 Creates a 3*3 Rotation Matrix from a an angle and a normalized Position3D. More...
void AL::Math::position6DFromPose2DInPlace (const Pose2D &pPose2D, Position6D &pPosition6D)
 Compute a Position6D from a Pose2D. More...
Position6D AL::Math::position6DFromPose2D (const Pose2D &pPose2D)
 Create a Position6D from a Pose2D. More...
void AL::Math::position6DFromPosition3DInPlace (const Position3D &pPosition3D, Position6D &pPosition6D)
 Compute a Position6D from a Position3D. More...
Position6D AL::Math::position6DFromPosition3D (const Position3D &pPosition3D)
 Create a Position6D from a Position3D. More...
void AL::Math::pose2DFromPosition6DInPlace (const Position6D &pPosition6D, Pose2D &pPose2D)
 Compute a Pose2D from a Position6D. More...
Pose2D AL::Math::pose2DFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPosition6D)
 Create a Pose2D from a Position6D. More...
void AL::Math::pose2DFromPosition2DInPlace (const Position2D &pPosition2D, const float pAngle, Pose2D &pPose2D)
 Compute a Pose2D from a Position2D. pPose2D.x = pPosition2D.x pPose2D.y = pPosition2D.y pPose2D.theta = pAngle More...
Pose2D AL::Math::pose2DFromPosition2D (const Position2D &pPosition2D, const float pAngle=0.0f)
 Create a Pose2D from a Position2D. More...
Position2D AL::Math::operator* (const Pose2D &pVal, const Position2D &pPos)
 Overloading of operator * for Pose2D to Position2D, give a Position2D: More...
void AL::Math::quaternionFromRotation3D (const Rotation3D &pRot3D, Quaternion &pQuaternion)
 Create a Quaternion from a Rotation3D when composed in the following order: Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) More...
Quaternion AL::Math::quaternionFromRotation3D (const Rotation3D &pRot3D)
void AL::Math::rotationFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQua, Rotation &pRot)
 Create a Rotation Matrix from a Quaternion More...
Rotation AL::Math::rotationFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQua)
void AL::Math::rotation3DFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQuaterion, Rotation3D &pRot3D)
 Create a Rotation3D from a Quaternion when composed in the following order: Rz(wz) * Ry(wy) * Rx(wx) More...
Rotation3D AL::Math::rotation3DFromQuaternion (const Quaternion &pQuaternion)
void AL::Math::quaternionPosition3DFromPosition6D (const Position6D &pPos6D, Quaternion &pQua, Position3D &pPos3D)
 Convert a Position6D to Quaternion and Position3D More...
void AL::Math::pointMassRotationalInertia (float pMass, const Position3D &pPos, std::vector< float > &pInertia)
 Return the rotational inertia, expressed at the origin, of a point mass located at pPos. The inertia value is More...

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 10 of file almath.h.